Dr. Caralina focuses on your needs for a uniquely healing experience.
A lifetime of passion for holistic, natural care.
Health is so important. When we are healthy and pain free, we can experience life more fully. We can give more to others and be of service more easily.
Since early childhood, Dr. Caralina knew she wanted to make a difference in the quality of life and health of humanity and to our planet. Our state of health is contagious: when even one person is healthy, it uplevels the consciousness and quality of life of the collective.
Early on, she embarked on a journey of her own health care and inner work. Having recovered from her own challenges, she has the compassion and expertise now to offer these practices to her clients.
Dr. Caralina's integrative approach results in an individualized treatment. No two people are alike. Everyone has unique needs and Dr. Caralina is able to serve diverse patients by drawing from multiple modalities as needed.